
Art Challenge- SPC (Superhero Punching Coronavirus)

Greetings People!!

How is the quarantine going?? Pretty Bored?

Well, thinking about the boredom, Comics Ghor-কমিক্স ঘর is now hosting an "Art Challenge" for all. And by the word "For All" I mean All. Anyone who speaks English can take part in this Art Challenge.

#Theme: The theme for this ART CHALLENGE is SPC (Superhero Punching Coronavirus). Which means, you can select any favorite Superhero from Comics/Movie/Anime and draw that He/She is punching the CORONAVIRUS in comical way (for example the poster).

#Time: The Art Challenge starts from 15th April and the final day of art submission is on 15th May, 2020

#Rules: Follow these rules properly for taking part in the ART CHALLENGE: SPC

  1. Draw traditionally. Both colored and B&W drawings are acceptable
  2. Any reference can be used. The Superhero Can be from any well know Superhero Movie/Tv Series/ Comic/Manga/Anime anything. No OC please
  3. Tracing is strongly Prohibited
  4. Draw your favorite Superhero Punching the Comical version of a Coronavirus.
  5. A person can submit more than one drawing

#SUBMISSION: -Take one or more pictures of your Artwork and upload them on this website:

#CAPTION Artist must add these information: i) Name of Artist: ii) Name of Superhero Character: iii) Name of the show/comic the superhero from: iv) Artist's FB Id link

#JUDGE Well known Traditional Artist and Reknowned Youtuber "The Shinigami Artist" aka "Md Abdul Kaium" will be the head judge.

Comics Ghor holds 20% marking in their hand. And 10% marking is on Reaction to the uploaded post in the mentioned website.

The judging process will be done carefully and strictly like before: Accountable, Transparent and Just.

#PRIZE: Announcement about prize is coming soon. Keep an eye on our page and group.

#TAGS_TO_USE #comicsghor #cgartchallenge #artchallengespc

So, take your drawing tools and start drawing your favorite superhero punching the shit out of Coronavirus 😈 😈

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